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  • eylulkosel

Economics: As A Social Science

Updated: Aug 21, 2021

One of the most important subjects examines with human history, is difficulties which human faced to. In this part, we will discuss that when the humans decide their conditions as difficulties? In the adventure came from antic times to today, which conditions became as a difficulty in people's eyes and how they tried to cope with these situations?

When we think a difficulty, the first defining that comes our mind without doubt is something that become a reason of pressure coming from out. The defining cannot be said completely wrong; however, it can be missing at least, because humanity met with "wealth". So, it is the fact that lots of difficulties is related by expectations of human in their minds. Let me give an example; if you want to drink a bottle of water, you can go your kitchen and take it. However, if you want to drink a bottle of cold water, you should wait cooling down of the water which you just put into fridge. Although it does not seem as a huge difficulty to cope with, waiting for becoming your expectations cannot be easy from time to time. Because of that we can ask the question: what is the reason that the conditions seem as a difficulty? External factors or our expectations?

In here, the great majority of the difficulties can be reasons of lots of developments in the human history. At the same time, it can be said that these difficulties, so developments and innovations, became with the requests for knowing truth of human and reach that. The curiosity provides people to do science. Though that I am not going to continue with the history of scientific developments in this article; however, for open a place to mention data later, it will be good to speak briefly.

Today, it is possible to categorized the scientific subjects as positive and social sciences. Although both of the categories has common curiosities about their areas for knowing, they have differences about areas and how they handle with the subjects which they interested in. Especially, the data taking from evidence based on experimentation and observation is an essential in positive sciences. Therfore, hypothesis can be proved or falsifiable and encountering the "laws" is possible.

When focusing on social science with these conditions, firstly, laws are not found. Especially, in economics which includes rising of publications that based on data with technological developments, it seems not possible. In this part, the most complete definition can be giving by these words that are thought J.Hicks has been said: "Theories of economics are not lose their effectiveness because of becoming falsifiable, these lose their effects because of changing the conditions" (Eren,2020). "Condition" term can open lots of thoughts and definitions. In this part, we can think "conditions" such as disease. How doctors try to find the reason of disease and giving medicine, the policy maker or economist try to make for changing social and economic conditions.

To give right medicine, economist needs database. Mankind, who has just fallen into the curiosity of knowing the truth, should learn to use it correctly as well as acquire every device that can help him on this path. Because the wrong medicine can drag the patient into an unbearable situation.


Eren,E.(2020)."Makro İktisat ve Kriz: Çözüm Mezo İktisat mı?".İktisat ve Toplum.Vol.121.p.58.

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